Saturday, August 9, 2008

Tour Blog 7 - yet more pics and fun

Here are some more random pics from the past few weeks. The first picture is the most important one of the summer.

This is Abigail and here mom. We met Abigail this year when her mom told us that Abigail is alive because of our booth at Soulfest 2 years ago. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hanging out in Woodstock New York (Not Upstate)

Jody Praying

Prayer vigil in NYC

Prayer Vigil in NYC

Prayer Vigil in NYC

We did not know Juan opened a taco shack in Woodstock

Ashlie praying at an abortion mill

Ashlie praying at abortion mill

Prayer vigil in Rhode Island

MTV Protest

Candice passing out flyers at MTV

Our booth flooded at Soul fest

This is the lake from "What about Bob"

Ashlie serving at the soup kitchen in Rhode Island

The soup kitchen in Rhode Island

Moses praying at abortion mill

Our friends in Kiros played a joke on us

Even in the flood we had to man the booth

This river was running under our booth

Moses cleaning the mud off his feet

This is the center of our booth

Rachael at MTV Protest

Prayer at abortion mill in MYC

The Glorious Unseen wearing our new shirt

Human Flight Committee

Human Flight Committee

MTV Protest

Kat at prayer vigil in NYC

MTV Protest

Bryan at MTV Protest

NYC Prayer Vigil

Please leave a comment or a prayer for the rest of the mission trip.

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